Community and Support

Mailing Lists

User’s mailing list Subscribe | Archive The list espressomd-users@nongnu.orgis intended for users of ESPResSo . The ESPResSo team will also post messages about major releases and bugfix releases, and occasionally ask the community for feedback when making plans for future releases. Before writing to the list, please read the following: You can not write mailings to …

Bug reports

If you discover a bug, please let the developers know by filing a bug report. Detailed instructions can be found on the project wiki. The project release notes document bugs that have been corrected already.

ESPResSo Summer Schools

Each year at the end of the summer (typically mid-October), we organize a one-week summer school at the ICP at Stuttgart University, Germany. The schools are typically free of charge. The schools are sponsored by CECAM and the SimTech Cluster of Excellence at Stuttgart University. Upcoming Summer School Our CECAM school Systematic coarse-graining and machine …