Source code for espressomd.observables

# Copyright (C) 2010-2019 The ESPResSo project
# This file is part of ESPResSo.
# ESPResSo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# ESPResSo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
from .script_interface import ScriptInterfaceHelper, script_interface_register

[docs]@script_interface_register class Observable(ScriptInterfaceHelper): _so_name = "Observables::Observable" _so_bind_methods = ("calculate", "n_values") _so_creation_policy = "LOCAL"
[docs]@script_interface_register class ComForce(Observable): """Calculates the total force on particles with given ids. Note that virtual sites are not included since they do not have a meaningful mass. Output format: :math:`\\left(\\sum_i f^x_i, \\sum_i f^y_i, \\sum_i f^z_i\\right)` Parameters ---------- ids : array_like of :obj:`int` The ids of (existing) particles to take into account. """ _so_name = "Observables::ComForce"
[docs]@script_interface_register class ComPosition(Observable): """Calculates the center of mass for particles with given ids. Note that virtual sites are not included since they do not have a meaningful mass. Output format: :math:`\\frac{1}{\\sum_i m_i} \\left( \\sum_i m_i r^x_i, \\sum_i m_i r^y_i, \\sum_i m_i r^z_i\\right)` Parameters ---------- ids : array_like of :obj:`int` The ids of (existing) particles to take into account. """ _so_name = "Observables::ComPosition"
[docs]@script_interface_register class ComVelocity(Observable): """Calculates the center of mass velocity for particles with given ids. Note that virtual sites are not included since they do not have a meaningful mass. Output format: :math:`\\frac{1}{\\sum_i m_i} \\left( \\sum_i m_i v^x_i, \\sum_i m_i v^y_i, \\sum_i m_i v^z_i\\right)` Parameters ---------- ids : array_like of :obj:`int` The ids of (existing) particles to take into account. """ _so_name = "Observables::ComVelocity"
[docs]@script_interface_register class Current(Observable): """Calculates the electric current for particles with given ids. Output format: :math:`\\left(\\sum_i q_i v^x_i, \\sum_i q_i v^y_i, \\sum_i q_i v^z_i, \\right)` Parameters ---------- ids : array_like of :obj:`int` The ids of (existing) particles to take into account. """ _so_name = "Observables::Current"
[docs]@script_interface_register class DensityProfile(Observable): """Calculates the particle density profile for particles with given ids. Parameters ---------- ids : array_like of :obj:`int` The ids of (existing) particles to take into account. n_x_bins : :obj:`int` Number of bins in ``x`` direction. n_y_bins : :obj:`int` Number of bins in ``y`` direction. n_z_bins : :obj:`int` Number of bins in ``z`` direction. min_x : :obj:`float` Minimum ``x`` to consider. min_y : :obj:`float` Minimum ``y`` to consider. min_z : :obj:`float` Minimum ``z`` to consider. max_x : :obj:`float` Maximum ``x`` to consider. max_y : :obj:`float` Maximum ``y`` to consider. max_z : :obj:`float` Maximum ``z`` to consider. """ _so_name = "Observables::DensityProfile"
[docs]@script_interface_register class DipoleMoment(Observable): """Calculates the dipole moment for particles with given ids. Output format: :math:`\\left(\\sum_i q_i r^x_i, \\sum_i q_i r^y_i, \\sum_i q_i r^z_i\\right)` Parameters ---------- ids : array_like of :obj:`int` The ids of (existing) particles to take into account. """ _so_name = "Observables::DipoleMoment"
[docs]@script_interface_register class FluxDensityProfile(Observable): """Calculates the particle flux density for particles with given ids. Parameters ---------- ids : array_like of :obj:`int` The ids of (existing) particles to take into account. n_x_bins : :obj:`int` Number of bins in ``x`` direction. n_y_bins : :obj:`int` Number of bins in ``y`` direction. n_z_bins : :obj:`int` Number of bins in ``z`` direction. min_x : :obj:`float` Minimum ``x`` to consider. min_y : :obj:`float` Minimum ``y`` to consider. min_z : :obj:`float` Minimum ``z`` to consider. max_x : :obj:`float` Maximum ``x`` to consider. max_y : :obj:`float` Maximum ``y`` to consider. max_z : :obj:`float` Maximum ``z`` to consider. """ _so_name = "Observables::FluxDensityProfile"
[docs]@script_interface_register class ForceDensityProfile(Observable): """Calculates the force density profile for particles with given ids. Parameters ---------- ids : array_like of :obj:`int` The ids of (existing) particles to take into account. n_x_bins : :obj:`int` Number of bins in ``x`` direction. n_y_bins : :obj:`int` Number of bins in ``y`` direction. n_z_bins : :obj:`int` Number of bins in ``z`` direction. min_x : :obj:`float` Minimum ``x`` to consider. min_y : :obj:`float` Minimum ``y`` to consider. min_z : :obj:`float` Minimum ``z`` to consider. max_x : :obj:`float` Maximum ``x`` to consider. max_y : :obj:`float` Maximum ``y`` to consider. max_z : :obj:`float` Maximum ``z`` to consider. """ _so_name = "Observables::ForceDensityProfile"
[docs]@script_interface_register class LBVelocityProfile(Observable): """Calculates the LB fluid velocity profile. This observable samples the fluid in on a regular grid defined by the variables ``sampling*``. Note that a small delta leads to a large number of sample points and carries a performance cost. .. WARNING:: In case of the CPU version of the LB fluid implementation, this observable currently only works for a single core. Parameters ---------- n_x_bins : :obj:`int` Number of bins in ``x`` direction. n_y_bins : :obj:`int` Number of bins in ``y`` direction. n_z_bins : :obj:`int` Number of bins in ``z`` direction. min_x : :obj:`float` Minimum ``x`` to consider. min_y : :obj:`float` Minimum ``y`` to consider. min_z : :obj:`float` Minimum ``z`` to consider. max_x : :obj:`float` Maximum ``x`` to consider. max_y : :obj:`float` Maximum ``y`` to consider. max_z : :obj:`float` Maximum ``z`` to consider. sampling_delta_x : :obj:`float`, default=1.0 Spacing for the sampling grid in ``x``-direction. sampling_delta_y : :obj:`float`, default=1.0 Spacing for the sampling grid in ``y``-direction. sampling_delta_z : :obj:`float`, default=1.0 Spacing for the sampling grid in ``z``-direction. sampling_offset_x : :obj:`float`, default=0.0 Offset for the sampling grid in ``x``-direction. sampling_offset_y : :obj:`float`, default=0.0 Offset for the sampling grid in ``y``-direction. sampling_offset_z : :obj:`float`, default=0.0 Offset for the sampling grid in ``z``-direction. allow_empty_bins : :obj:`bool`, default=False Whether or not to allow bins that will not be sampled at all. """ _so_name = "Observables::LBVelocityProfile"
[docs]@script_interface_register class LBFluidStress(Observable): """Calculates the average stress of the LB fluid for all nodes. Parameters ---------- None """ _so_name = "Observables::LBFluidStress"
[docs]@script_interface_register class MagneticDipoleMoment(Observable): """Calculates the magnetic dipole moment for particles with given ids. Output format: :math:`\\left(\\sum_i \\mu^x_i, \\sum_i \\mu^y_i, \\sum_i \\mu^z_i\\right)` Parameters ---------- ids : array_like of :obj:`int` The ids of (existing) particles to take into account. """ _so_name = "Observables::MagneticDipoleMoment"
[docs]@script_interface_register class ParticleAngularVelocities(Observable): _so_name = "Observables::ParticleAngularVelocities" """Calculates the angular velocity (omega) in the spaced-fixed frame of reference Output format: :math:`\\omega^x_1,\\ \\omega^y_1,\\ \\omega^z_1,\\ \\omega^x_2,\\ \\omega^y_2,\\ \\omega^z_2, \\dots\\ \\omega^x_n,\\ \\omega^y_n,\\ \\omega^z_n`. The particles are ordered according to the list of ids passed to the observable. Parameters ---------- ids : array_like of :obj:`int` The ids of (existing) particles to take into account. """
[docs]@script_interface_register class ParticleBodyAngularVelocities(Observable): _so_name = "Observables::ParticleBodyAngularVelocities" """Calculates the angular velocity (omega) in the particles' body-fixed frame of reference. For each particle, the body-fixed frame of reference is obtained from the particle's orientation stored in the quaternions. Parameters ---------- ids : array_like of :obj:`int` The ids of (existing) particles to take into account. """
[docs]@script_interface_register class ParticleBodyVelocities(Observable): """Calculates the particle velocity in the particles' body-fixed frame of reference. For each particle, the body-fixed frame of reference is obtained from the particle's orientation stored in the quaternions. Output format: :math:`v_{x1},\\ v_{y1},\\ v_{z1},\\ v_{x2},\\ v_{y2},\\ v_{z2},\\ \\dots\\ v_{xn},\\ v_{yn},\\ v_{zn}`. The particles are ordered according to the list of ids passed to the observable. Parameters ---------- ids : array_like of :obj:`int` The ids of (existing) particles to take into account. """ _so_name = "Observables::ParticleBodyVelocities"
[docs]@script_interface_register class ParticleForces(Observable): """Calculates the particle forces for particles with given ids. Output format: :math:`f_{x1},\\ f_{y1},\\ f_{z1},\\ f_{x2},\\ f_{y2},\ f_{z2},\\ \\dots\\ f_{xn},\\ f_{yn},\\ f_{zn}`. The particles are ordered according to the list of ids passed to the observable. Parameters ---------- ids : array_like of :obj:`int` The ids of (existing) particles to take into account. """ _so_name = "Observables::ParticleForces"
[docs]@script_interface_register class ParticlePositions(Observable): """Calculates the particle positions for particles with given ids. Output format: :math:`x_1,\\ y_1,\\ z_1,\\ x_2,\\ y_2,\\ z_2,\\ \\dots\\ x_n,\\ y_n,\\ z_n`. The particles are ordered according to the list of ids passed to the observable. Parameters ---------- ids : array_like of :obj:`int` The ids of (existing) particles to take into account. """ _so_name = "Observables::ParticlePositions"
[docs]@script_interface_register class ParticleVelocities(Observable): """Calculates the particle velocities for particles with given ids. Output format: :math:`v_{x1},\\ v_{y1},\\ v_{z1},\\ v_{x2},\\ v_{y2},\\ v_{z2},\\ \\dots\\ v_{xn},\\ v_{yn},\\ v_{zn}`. The particles are ordered according to the list of ids passed to the observable. Parameters ---------- ids : array_like of :obj:`int` The ids of (existing) particles to take into account. """ _so_name = "Observables::ParticleVelocities"
[docs]@script_interface_register class ParticleDistances(Observable): """Calculates the distances between particles with given ids along a polymer chain. Parameters ---------- ids : array_like of :obj:`int` The ids of (existing) particles to take into account. """ _so_name = "Observables::ParticleDistances"
[docs]@script_interface_register class BondAngles(Observable): """Calculates the angles between bonds of particles with given ids along a polymer chain. Parameters ---------- ids : array_like of :obj:`int` The ids of (existing) particles to take into account. """ _so_name = "Observables::BondAngles"
[docs]@script_interface_register class CosPersistenceAngles(Observable): """Calculates the cosine of mutual bond angles for chained particles with given ids. The *i*-th value of the result contains the cosine of the angle between bonds that are separated by *i* bonds. The values are averaged over the chain. Parameters ---------- ids : array_like of :obj:`int` The ids of (existing) particles to take into account. """ _so_name = "Observables::CosPersistenceAngles"
[docs]@script_interface_register class BondDihedrals(Observable): """Calculates the dihedrals between particles with given ids along a polymer chain. Parameters ---------- ids : array_like of :obj:`int` The ids of (existing) particles to take into account. """ _so_name = "Observables::BondDihedrals"
[docs]@script_interface_register class StressTensor(Observable): """Calculates the total stress tensor. See :ref:`stress tensor`) """ _so_name = "Observables::StressTensor"
[docs]@script_interface_register class DPDStress(Observable): """Calculates the non-equilibrium contribution of the DPD interaction to the stress tensor. Parameters ---------- None """ _so_name = "Observables::DPDStress"
[docs]@script_interface_register class CylindricalDensityProfile(Observable): """Calculates the particle density in polar coordinates. Parameters ---------- ids : array_like of :obj:`int` The ids of (existing) particles to take into account. center : (3,) array_like of :obj:`float` Position of the center of the polar coordinate system for the histogram. axis : (3,) array_like of :obj:`float` Orientation vector of the ``z``-axis of the polar coordinate system for the histogram. n_r_bins : :obj:`int` Number of bins in radial direction. n_phi_bins : :obj:`int` Number of bins for the azimuthal direction. n_z_bins : :obj:`int` Number of bins in ``z`` direction. min_r : :obj:`float` Minimum ``r`` to consider. min_phi : :obj:`float` Minimum ``phi`` to consider. min_z : :obj:`float` Minimum ``z`` to consider. max_r : :obj:`float` Maximum ``r`` to consider. max_phi : :obj:`float` Maximum ``phi`` to consider. max_z : :obj:`float` Maximum ``z`` to consider. """ _so_name = "Observables::CylindricalDensityProfile"
[docs]@script_interface_register class CylindricalFluxDensityProfile(Observable): """Calculates the particle flux density in polar coordinates. Parameters ---------- ids : array_like of :obj:`int` The ids of (existing) particles to take into account. center : (3,) array_like of :obj:`float` Position of the center of the polar coordinate system for the histogram. axis : (3,) array_like of :obj:`float` Orientation vector of the ``z``-axis of the polar coordinate system for the histogram. n_r_bins : :obj:`int` Number of bins in radial direction. n_phi_bins : :obj:`int` Number of bins for the azimuthal direction. n_z_bins : :obj:`int` Number of bins in ``z`` direction. min_r : :obj:`float` Minimum ``r`` to consider. min_phi : :obj:`float` Minimum ``phi`` to consider. min_z : :obj:`float` Minimum ``z`` to consider. max_r : :obj:`float` Maximum ``r`` to consider. max_phi : :obj:`float` Maximum ``phi`` to consider. max_z : :obj:`float` Maximum ``z`` to consider. """ _so_name = "Observables::CylindricalFluxDensityProfile"
[docs]@script_interface_register class CylindricalLBFluxDensityProfileAtParticlePositions(Observable): """Calculates the LB fluid flux density at the particle positions in polar coordinates. Parameters ---------- ids : array_like of :obj:`int` The ids of (existing) particles to take into account. center : (3,) array_like of :obj:`float` Position of the center of the polar coordinate system for the histogram. axis : (3,) array_like of :obj:`float` Orientation vector of the ``z``-axis of the polar coordinate system for the histogram. n_r_bins : :obj:`int` Number of bins in radial direction. n_phi_bins : :obj:`int` Number of bins for the azimuthal direction. n_z_bins : :obj:`int` Number of bins in ``z`` direction. min_r : :obj:`float` Minimum ``r`` to consider. min_phi : :obj:`float` Minimum ``phi`` to consider. min_z : :obj:`float` Minimum ``z`` to consider. max_r : :obj:`float` Maximum ``r`` to consider. max_phi : :obj:`float` Maximum ``phi`` to consider. max_z : :obj:`float` Maximum ``z`` to consider. """ _so_name = "Observables::CylindricalLBFluxDensityProfileAtParticlePositions"
[docs]@script_interface_register class CylindricalLBVelocityProfileAtParticlePositions(Observable): """Calculates the LB fluid velocity at the particle positions in polar coordinates. Parameters ---------- ids : array_like of :obj:`int` The ids of (existing) particles to take into account. center : (3,) array_like of :obj:`float` Position of the center of the polar coordinate system for the histogram. axis : (3,) array_like of :obj:`float` Orientation vector of the ``z``-axis of the polar coordinate system for the histogram. n_r_bins : :obj:`int` Number of bins in radial direction. n_phi_bins : :obj:`int` Number of bins for the azimuthal direction. n_z_bins : :obj:`int` Number of bins in ``z`` direction. min_r : :obj:`float` Minimum ``r`` to consider. min_phi : :obj:`float` Minimum ``phi`` to consider. min_z : :obj:`float` Minimum ``z`` to consider. max_r : :obj:`float` Maximum ``r`` to consider. max_phi : :obj:`float` Maximum ``phi`` to consider. max_z : :obj:`float` Maximum ``z`` to consider. """ _so_name = "Observables::CylindricalLBVelocityProfileAtParticlePositions"
[docs]@script_interface_register class CylindricalVelocityProfile(Observable): """Calculates the particle velocity profile in polar coordinates. Parameters ---------- ids : array_like of :obj:`int` The ids of (existing) particles to take into account. center : (3,) array_like of :obj:`float` Position of the center of the polar coordinate system for the histogram. axis : (3,) array_like of :obj:`float` Orientation vector of the ``z``-axis of the polar coordinate system for the histogram. n_r_bins : :obj:`int` Number of bins in radial direction. n_phi_bins : :obj:`int` Number of bins for the azimuthal direction. n_z_bins : :obj:`int` Number of bins in ``z`` direction. min_r : :obj:`float` Minimum ``r`` to consider. min_phi : :obj:`float` Minimum ``phi`` to consider. min_z : :obj:`float` Minimum ``z`` to consider. max_r : :obj:`float` Maximum ``r`` to consider. max_phi : :obj:`float` Maximum ``phi`` to consider. max_z : :obj:`float` Maximum ``z`` to consider. """ _so_name = "Observables::CylindricalVelocityProfile"
[docs]@script_interface_register class CylindricalLBVelocityProfile(Observable): """Calculates the LB fluid velocity profile in polar coordinates. This observable samples the fluid in on a regular grid defined by the variables ``sampling*``. Note that a small delta leads to a large number of sample points and carries a performance cost. Parameters ---------- center : (3,) array_like of :obj:`float` Position of the center of the polar coordinate system for the histogram. axis : (3,) array_like of :obj:`float` Orientation vector of the ``z``-axis of the polar coordinate system for the histogram. n_r_bins : :obj:`int` Number of bins in radial direction. n_phi_bins : :obj:`int` Number of bins for the azimuthal direction. n_z_bins : :obj:`int` Number of bins in ``z`` direction. min_r : :obj:`float` Minimum ``r`` to consider. min_phi : :obj:`float` Minimum ``phi`` to consider. min_z : :obj:`float` Minimum ``z`` to consider. max_r : :obj:`float` Maximum ``r`` to consider. max_phi : :obj:`float` Maximum ``phi`` to consider. max_z : :obj:`float` Maximum ``z`` to consider. sampling_density : :obj:`float` Samples per unit volume for the LB velocity interpolation. """ _so_name = "Observables::CylindricalLBVelocityProfile"