Source code for espressomd.integrate

# Copyright (C) 2013-2022 The ESPResSo project
# This file is part of ESPResSo.
# ESPResSo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# ESPResSo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
from .script_interface import ScriptInterfaceHelper, script_interface_register
from .code_features import assert_features
import signal

[docs]@script_interface_register class IntegratorHandle(ScriptInterfaceHelper): """ Provide access to the currently active integrator. """ _so_name = "Integrators::IntegratorHandle" _so_creation_policy = "GLOBAL" def __init__(self, **kwargs): if "sip" not in kwargs and "integrator" not in kwargs: kwargs["integrator"] = VelocityVerlet() super().__init__(**kwargs) def __str__(self): return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({self.integrator.__class__.__name__})'
[docs] def run(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Run the integrator. """ return*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_steepest_descent(self, **kwargs): """ Set the integration method to steepest descent (:class:`SteepestDescent`). """ self.integrator = SteepestDescent(**kwargs)
[docs] def set_vv(self): """ Set the integration method to velocity Verlet, which is suitable for simulations in the NVT ensemble (:class:`VelocityVerlet`). """ self.integrator = VelocityVerlet()
[docs] def set_nvt(self): """ Set the integration method to velocity Verlet, which is suitable for simulations in the NVT ensemble (:class:`VelocityVerlet`). """ self.integrator = VelocityVerlet()
[docs] def set_isotropic_npt(self, **kwargs): """ Set the integration method to a modified velocity Verlet designed for simulations in the NpT ensemble (:class:`VelocityVerletIsotropicNPT`). """ self.integrator = VelocityVerletIsotropicNPT(**kwargs)
[docs] def set_brownian_dynamics(self): """ Set the integration method to BD. """ self.integrator = BrownianDynamics()
[docs] def set_stokesian_dynamics(self, **kwargs): """ Set the integration method to Stokesian Dynamics (:class:`StokesianDynamics`). """ self.integrator = StokesianDynamics(**kwargs)
[docs]class Integrator(ScriptInterfaceHelper): """ Integrator class. """
[docs] def run(self, steps=1, recalc_forces=False, reuse_forces=False): """ Run the integrator. Parameters ---------- steps : :obj:`int` Number of time steps to integrate. recalc_forces : :obj:`bool`, optional Recalculate the forces regardless of whether they are reusable. reuse_forces : :obj:`bool`, optional Reuse the forces from previous time step. """ status = self.call_method( "integrate", with_nogil=True, steps=steps, recalc_forces=recalc_forces, reuse_forces=reuse_forces) self.handle_sigint(status)
[docs] def handle_sigint(self, error_code): if error_code == -2: signal.raise_signal(signal.Signals.SIGINT)
[docs]@script_interface_register class SteepestDescent(Integrator): """ Steepest descent algorithm for energy minimization. Particles located at :math:`\\vec{r}_i` at integration step :math:`i` and experiencing a potential :math:`\\mathcal{H}(\\vec{r}_i)` are displaced according to the equation: :math:`\\vec{r}_{i+1} = \\vec{r}_i - \\gamma\\nabla\\mathcal{H}(\\vec{r}_i)` Parameters ---------- f_max : :obj:`float` Convergence criterion. Minimization stops when the maximal force on particles in the system is lower than this threshold. Set this to 0 when running minimization in a loop that stops when a custom convergence criterion is met. gamma : :obj:`float` Dampening constant. max_displacement : :obj:`float` Maximal allowed displacement per step. Typical values for a LJ liquid are in the range of 0.1% to 10% of the particle sigma. """ _so_name = "Integrators::SteepestDescent" _so_creation_policy = "GLOBAL"
[docs] def run(self, steps=1): """ Run the steepest descent. Parameters ---------- steps : :obj:`int` Maximal number of time steps to integrate. Returns ------- :obj:`int` Number of integrated steps. """ integrated = self.call_method( "integrate", with_nogil=True, steps=steps) self.handle_sigint(integrated) return integrated
[docs]@script_interface_register class VelocityVerlet(Integrator): """ Velocity Verlet integrator, suitable for simulations in the NVT ensemble. """ _so_name = "Integrators::VelocityVerlet" _so_creation_policy = "GLOBAL"
[docs]@script_interface_register class VelocityVerletIsotropicNPT(Integrator): """ Modified velocity Verlet integrator, suitable for simulations in the NpT ensemble with isotropic rescaling. Requires the NpT thermostat, activated with :meth:`espressomd.thermostat.Thermostat.set_npt`. Parameters ---------- ext_pressure : :obj:`float` The external pressure. piston : :obj:`float` The mass of the applied piston. direction : (3,) array_like of :obj:`bool`, optional Select which dimensions are allowed to fluctuate by assigning them to ``True``. Default is all ``True``. cubic_box : :obj:`bool`, optional If ``True``, a cubic box is assumed and the value of ``direction`` will be ignored when rescaling the box. This is required e.g. for electrostatics and magnetostatics. Default is ``False``. """ _so_name = "Integrators::VelocityVerletIsoNPT" _so_creation_policy = "GLOBAL" def __init__(self, **kwargs): assert_features("NPT") super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]@script_interface_register class BrownianDynamics(Integrator): """ Brownian Dynamics integrator. """ _so_name = "Integrators::BrownianDynamics" _so_creation_policy = "GLOBAL"
[docs]@script_interface_register class StokesianDynamics(Integrator): """ Stokesian Dynamics integrator. Parameters ---------- viscosity : :obj:`float` Bulk viscosity. radii : :obj:`dict` Dictionary that maps particle types to radii. approximation_method : :obj:`str`, optional, {'ft', 'fts'} Chooses the method of the mobility approximation. ``'fts'`` is more accurate. Default is ``'fts'``. self_mobility : :obj:`bool`, optional Switches off or on the mobility terms for single particles. Default is ``True``. pair_mobility : :obj:`bool`, optional Switches off or on the hydrodynamic interactions between particles. Default is ``True``. """ _so_name = "Integrators::StokesianDynamics" _so_creation_policy = "GLOBAL" def __init__(self, **kwargs): assert_features("STOKESIAN_DYNAMICS") if kwargs.get("lubrication", False): raise NotImplementedError( "Stokesian Dynamics lubrication is not available yet") super().__init__(**kwargs)